
Summary of news at ck.solution and in our industry around SAP Business One.

ZUGFeRD per E-Mail mit CKS.DMS

ZUGFeRD per E-Mail mit CKS.DMS

ZUGFeRD macht es möglich, sämtliche Daten zu Dokumenten gezielt digital weiterzuverarbeiten. So sind beispielsweise bei Rechnungen alle Informationen zu Sender, Empfänger, Positionen, Gesamtsumme usw. parallel zum Rechnungsbeleg mittels XML-Daten kodiert und können somit vollautomatisch verarbeitet werden.
CKS.DMS meets ProcessForce

CKS.DMS meets ProcessForce

In many industries the production processes have become so complex and the protocols have become so strict that many businesses require further enhancements to the already wide-ranging functionality of SAP Business One.
Milestone CKS.DMS Web

Milestone CKS.DMS Web

There is a buzz of interest among users of CKS.DMS for SAP Business One! Our developers have been making great progress and we've already successfully tested the first prototypes of the upcoming CKS.DMS Web.